Infrared Roof Leak Detection


Infrared leak detection is a smart way to see how your roof is doing, EVEN IF IT IS NOT LEAKING!  

Owners, property managers, entrepreneurs and companies usually take the same approach, if my roof isn’t leaking we are good.  Not smart.  The smart money is on having an infrared done today by Drone Infrared Imaging to see how your roof is doing.

We are heading into the wintertime months, which are going to accentuate every roof leak, even the small ones.  What is going to happen is the small amount of water that is getting under the roof is going to freeze and blow your seams apart causing big leaks.  This doesn’t have to happen.

See complete report for this roof: Infrared Roof Report  The contractor installed 5 different types of roofing on this building on purpose to see how they would perform.

Infrared Leak Detection
The above picture taken from an infrared drone indicates a leak by a skylight.  The roof overall should cool down the same temperature at night, this small area by the skylight remained hotter than the rest of the roof.

Infrared leak detection is not just for roofs

Note that leak detection does not have to be localized to just roofing.  It can be used on any surface that has radiant heat emitted from it.  Walls for instance is a good example.  Many times leaks are improperly diagnosed because the point of origin is not the point at which the moisture gets into the building.  The infrared drone can capture images and or video which take the guess-work out of it.



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