Drones provide quick infrared results
There are many ways to evaluate a commercial building. One way is to do a visual inspection by walking the entire roof. Another is taking core samples of various areas of the roof. Still another is through aerial photography. If a professional roofer is able to look at an aerial detailed picture, many areas diagnosis can be given just from the picture alone. Probably the most promising is to do an infrared scan of the roof. Some infrared cameras even allow you to take video. Isn’t technology wonderful. After getting to the facility and mapping out a plan, making sure it is safe to fly, it is only a matter of 15 minutes and the infrared drone can be up and flying over the facility. There is so much information that can be gained from the infrared pictures and video.
Discover roof leaks, heat duct leaks and energy deficiencies
It is important to note, not all roof types can have an infrared scan. If the roof is scanned for leaks, roof leaks will be obvious. Roof leaks will allow water to saturate into the insulation causing those areas to be hotter as emissivity is happening. Emissivity is the ability of a surface like a roof to emit radiate energy. Roofs during the warming of the sun can cause some roofs to get to 180 degrees. If a roof is dry and free of leaks, emissivity will happen consistently across the roof. Wet insulation under the roof will cause the radiant heat of the roof to stay hot.
Some HVAC units are equipped with side mount discharge, meaning the duct comes out of the side of the unit. These ducts can also be tested for leaks through the infrared scan.
Lastly the roof can be scanned to discover potential energy deficiencies. For example, over time the roof insulation shrinks causing gaps under the roof membrane. These areas can be detected through an infrared scan. If it is cold outside and the building is being heated then the lines along the edges of the insulation will test hotter because the hot air is trying to escape.
To learn more about emissivity go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75PmF7KLf4A